Ubuntu Host WinXP Guest 文件共享设置



在VirtualBox中安装好Windows XP后,先要安装工具包VBoxGuestAdditions.iso,这个映像文件位于VirtualBox的安装目录下,我的是在/usr/share/virtualbox目录下。VirtualBox控制面板中点击“设置”,接着选“光驱”,加载映像。启动虚拟机进入XP后,安装辅助工具包。


接着启动进入客户机Windows XP,打开“我的电脑”,依次点击菜单栏“工具”-“映射网络驱动器”,驱动器盘符自行选择,文件夹填“\\vboxsvr\tmp”,tmp是我之前设置的“数据空间名称”,把tmp改成你刚才设置的“数据空间名称”即可。确定后,在“网络驱动器”那里就可以看到共享文件夹的盘标了。好了,现在双击“网络驱动器”中的那个图标,即可读取、修改linux主机中的文件了。











sudo mkdir /usr/lib/codecs/
sudo mv essential*/* /usr/lib/codecs/




sudo gedit /etc/fonts/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf
最后第四行的san-serif改成 文泉驿正黑

[zz]Windows Application Emulation: Wine vs VirtualBox



Written by Steve Lake
Posted on: Mar 26, 2008 at 07:36am
Section: Software
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In my ever ongoing efforts to completely shed all connections to Microsoft Windows and all Windows applications, including 3rd party ones, I’ve been doing a lot of research over time into various methods by which I could make that one final push to completely shed all of those lingering connections. But alas, it’s been much harder than I could have expected. That’s not to say it’s impossible, but there certainly seems to be a lot of things out there bent on NOT letting me make that last step. So it’s less an issue with what I’m doing or not doing, and more a case of forced adherence to a system I’d like to separate myself from.

There’s many reasons why I want to rid myself of this connection. Here are the three biggest that I believe drive this interest.

  1. Viruses – I may not see many viruses on my system, but then again I’m also very alert to what’s happening and I’m constantly keeping all my defenses and protections up to date and running well in order to fend this off.
  2. Spyware – I can’t even begin to tell you how much I abhor spyware. Be it intrusive web ads, spyware apps, malware, or any of a variety of other things.
  3. Proprietary Software – Now not all proprietary software is bad. However, the main platform it runs on and the vast majority of applications written to run on it are. There’s little to no accountability from the OEM (unless it’s forced by the end users, and even then that accountability is weak), and issues are handled on a "money" focused, rather than "end user" focused priority.

That’s why I’m so interested in Open Source software systems, including operating systems (Linux, BSD, etc), end user software (Firefox, Open Office, etc), user interfaces (KDE, Gnome, XFCE, etc) and so much more. The software is open, the developers are accountable to the end users, and the software tends to be more secure and reliable. Those developers who choose not to do the will of the community, unless it’s for the better of the community, tend to be abandoned and left to atrophy while good projects that do keep themselves accountable to the user base succeed.

But enough with this little sermon. If you’re reading this, you likely either already know about this, or have heard enough to know the facts. So I’ll move on to the main focus of this article. Comparing the two major forms of in-system emulation of Windows applications. No matter how hard you try, unless you’ve committed yourself to giving up any and all Windows based applications, you tend to find yourself stuck in a situation where you must emulate at least one of these applications inside of Linux. This is where emulators such as Virtual Box and Wine come in handy to help you bridge that divide.

The best way to understand the pros and cons of doing something like this vs going "cold turkey" on all windows applications is to look at the pros and cons of each of the emulation systems and see if they meet your needs, or if you may have to take more drastic steps such as dual booting or other such measures. Below I’ve created a list of all the pros and cons I’ve come up with for Virtual Box and Wine, the two main emulators out there. I’ve also included a third line for "dual booting" for comparison.


Virtual Box

  • Full compatibility with the vast majority of Windows applications
  • Easy setup
  • Native Windows environment, even if it is emulated
  • Direct sharing of applications and data between Windows and Linux programs.
  • Allows most Windows games to run.


  • No need for a full copy of Windows.
  • Integrates seamlessly with window manager in most cases.
  • Direct sharing of applications and data between Windows and Linux programs.
  • Allows some, mostly older games to run.
  • Drive space is shared on the system between the Windows and Linux apps.

Dual Booting

  • 100% compatibility of all applications.


Virtual Box

  • Not all applications work in Virtual Box. Applications and games that refuse to run in a "debug" environment, such as Halo, will not run.
  • Consumes a sizable amount of hard drive space.
  • Consumes a fair amount of resources under load.
  • Requires a copy of Windows plus a valid Microsoft license.
  • Emulated OS is still vulnerable to viruses.
  • Slow application installs.
  • System tends to grind to a halt under normal use.
  • "seamless mode" can still get in the way of your regular system. IE, taskbar overrides KDE bar, XP windows overrule Linux windows, etc.
  • Games can be slow to unusable.


  • May require a valid Windows license for compatibility and legality issues, even if you don’t need a copy of Windows, depending on what programs you want or need to run and what Microsoft support applications are required to be installed.
  • Slow application installs.
  • Application hangs are common depending on the application and scripting used to install it.
  • Tools for aiding application installation are a bit buggy.
  • Requires a fair knowledge of Linux administration to setup and configure for each application.
  • Not all applications are supported, or supported correctly. Rarely are newer applications supported.

Dual Booting

  • Requires a valid copy of Windows.
  • Requires that you reboot to get to your Windows desktop.
  • No direct sharing of applications and resources between Windows and Linux programs.
  • Takes up additional hard drive space.
  • Difficult to make Windows talk to Linux drives properly.

This list is just a summary of some of the pros and cons of using these two different methods for running Windows applications in Linux. Now again, dual booting is not an emulation method to allow Windows applications in Linux, but it does provide a comparison between the two emulation methods, and a natively installed system, even if it is technically dual booting. Now if you’re wanting to run games in Linux, some of what you run into is hit and miss success. Here’s some examples of some common newer games vs older games and how they run in the two emulation systems. This isn’t a complete list by far, but it does provide some comparisons.

Game Virtual Box Wine
Halo Won’t play at all. Complains about "debug" mode. Won’t play at all. Complains about "debug" mode.
Starcraft Runs decently. Runs Flawlessly.
World of Warcraft Runs decently. Runs well.
Most C&C games Run slowly, but still run. Most run well, except newest versions
Warcraft 3 Runs well. Runs Flawlessly.
Medal of Honor (most games) Runs decently. Runs well.
Call of Duty (1 and 2) Runs slowly. Runs decently.
Call of Duty 4 Runs slowly. Won’t run.
Freelancer Won’t play at all. Complains about "debug" mode. Won’t install. Can’t write to disk.


Again, this list is just a sampling based on some stuff I had on hand and doesn’t cover all the games I tested, but does provide a sampling that best represents the general experience overall. So it hopefully it gives you an idea of what you’re up against. Overall, I’d say that the games I had the biggest issues with were the Microsoft games. Not surprising really, but disappointing none the less. The ones I had the best luck with were the Blizzard games.

Now on the question of applications, that varied quite a bit, and while some ran well, others were an utter joke. Here’s a sampling of the programs I tested and generally how they came out.


Program Name Virtual Box Wine
Internet Explorer 6 Runs very good. Runs very good.
Adobe Photoshop (7.0 and earlier) Runs flawless, but a bit slow. Runs well, and speed is good.
Adobe Photoshop (CS series) Runs decent. Good luck getting this to run most of the time.
Thumbs Plus (most versions) Runs Flawlessly. Runs Flawlessly.
DVD Decrypter Runs Flawlessly. Runs Flawlessly.
Microsoft Office (2000-2007) Won’t run (2007), runs decent (2003), runs good (2000) Won’t run (2007), runs good (2003), runs good (2000)
Winrar Runs good. Runs Great!


Again, this is just a sampling of what I tested and they are listed in the most representative manor to relay what I ran into during testing in the best way possible. The "good", "great", "poor", etc ratings count both performance and stability into one rating since stability without performance or vice versa really doesn’t make for a good experience. Both have to be good to get a good rating. Overall though, depending on what you need to do, I feel that from my testing the better choice overall is to use Wine for all your emulation over Virtual Box. Sure, Virtual Box with an emulated copy of Windows XP can give you some flexibility that Wine doesn’t have.

However, given the legal and licensing entanglements, it may be better to use Wine for everything you can, and then just run the rest via a dual boot setup in a native Windows environment until either Wine does everything for you, or you no longer need that application or game anymore. Now I did like Virtual Box and all it offered, but given all the potential licensing entanglements, plus the fact that you’re running a restrictive proprietary OS inside a free and open source operating system, even if it is emulated, it’s still a rather questionable ethical and legal choice.

I hope this has been a helpful overview and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the forums. Thanks!

New York City (2)

周六。这天的线路是:自由女神 – 联合国 – Little Italy & 中国城 – Brooklyn Bridge – 华尔街 – 时代广场夜景 – 洛克菲勒中心 – 第五大道夜景

醒来的时候怎么闹钟还没有叫,加上房间里乌七八黑的,便觉得时间尚早。一边心疼三点多才躺下睡眠时间不够4小时回去的时候又要夜车让自己太辛苦了,决计这几天一定要好好吃饭顿顿餐馆。慢悠悠拿来手机一看才发现不妙:已经8点多了。呃,这闹铃调的,周末闹钟也是要休息的。心想这会儿看自由女神的事儿是泡汤了,按照攻略上讲的,过去不晓得要排队到什么时候了呢。一骨碌下床,洗漱了下出门。在楼下星巴克,见到羊角面包就无比兴奋点了个,又怕吃不饱就要了上次Aunt给做的Bagel(这个词老读不好,估计法语学的英文怎么念都不晓得了),再是Cappucino。舒舒服服的一顿早餐下去人也神清气爽了不少。进地铁,买天票,糊里糊涂的坐了直达South Ferry(就自由女生渡轮上船的地方)的地铁。好吧,就算排再久的队,今早这自由女神是去定了。

或许攻略上说的早到是10点以前吧,这会儿过去竟还没多少人。3分钟买票,半个多小时排队安检上船。话说自从上次出门在Richmond等车六七个钟头之后,等半小时一小时的已经是小菜了。这种地方总是能找到Fun的,比如偷拍什么的,嘿嘿。接着坐船去岛上,照些到此一游的,再绕了一圈无聊偷拍了一通,就坐船回了。艾利斯岛那边倒是没什么兴趣,直接pass过去了。回曼哈顿的船上碰到一俄罗斯的娃,在普林斯顿念外交学什么的,说要去联合国找他叔叔。刚好也有打算要过去的,自然不能放过他了。然后就一路聊着外交官啊国际政治啊blabla的,一起逛到晚上送人家上火车。人家说New Jersey那边也是很漂亮的,什么时候过去看下?那是以后的事儿了吧。

从Grand Cental站下车,走过3个街区(横向的,远到崩溃)就能看到电视里常见的那幢长条形大楼了。因为周六没有办公的缘故大楼前的旗杆子上都光秃秃的。供参观者进出的口还不是大楼前面的大门,还要再往北走到45 street那边。这个院子里面搭了一个白色的帐篷用来做安检和行李存放用。院子里照例有联合国的标志-扭曲的手枪,没有以前看见的照片效果好。还有一破裂的地球,怎么看都觉得代表了世界的四分五裂。Maks却说那是特意剖出来让人看到中心的齿轮的,象征了联合国让这个地球运转……好吧,有这样一解说还真不错。进到联合国大楼里面才被告知今天没有讲解团,因为是周六?怎么攻略里写周末也有tour的呢,看来不能尽信书的说。于是和历任秘书长(的画像)拍了照,在楼下买了些纪念品就出来了。接下来在Little Italy吃了顿巨贵的Pizza,算是稍微休息了下,便直奔Brooklyn桥,一路直下Wall Street,再回Penn’s Station送娃上火车,累倒趴下直接回旅店睡觉。期间无非是些游记里常见的描述不想细讲了。倒是和这娃一路走来长了好多见识,很有意思的经历。


New York City (1) – 在路上



米国的信息系统还是挺发达的,有在线实时查询火车状态的网站。大概老美也受不了这火车的晚点,弄个东东看下自己的火车到哪儿,总算有个盼头不至于干等着无穷无尽的样子。只是这么一查又被郁闷进去了:东部运行的那么多火车,就我要坐的那一班到现在还是service interruption的。照理这车已经发车2小时这会儿过了Illinois了,还没见发车的迹象。刷了一个钟头这网站,还是一点变化没有,希望渺茫了呢。还好这票是可以退的。一不做二不休直接上Greyhound的网买了张票,4点出发第二天早2点到的,趁Amtrak还没有下班跑过去退票。这会儿,只要能按时发车,就算是坐灰狗也忍了……






话说灰狗的巴士路线原始的很。州际的巴士线路只联通各个省会,要想去另一州的其他城市就只能先跑到州府去,然后再转车。照理Durhum会比Raleigh离VA近一些的,从Chapel Hill到Durhum的车程也只有去Raleigh的一半远,他偏要绕一个大弯先去Raleigh,唉,人家是州府么。还有比较郁闷的情况是灰狗的班次很稀疏,C’Ville和Richmond之间每天也只有两三班车,运气不好的话就是漫长的等待。就比如说我。。。






自从接手了这个Project生活还是充实很多的。每天对着matlab编程,处理一大坨数据的感觉虽然枯燥,总比什么事儿都不干要强。还可以塞给matlab一循环200次的optimization, 等人家干的大汗淋漓的自己在一边听会儿歌上个网什么的,生活还是很惬意的,尤其是看别人那么累自己那么舒服的时候,虽然这个‘人家’只是一个电脑软件的说,哈。

end of ennui, coming soon


暑假空荡荡的校园,除了付费的体育馆再没有其他可以打发时间的地方。SRIP里的孩子也是一道周末就到处找人往外跑,离C’Ville远远的,DC啊,传说中的Virginia Beach啊,还有去Austin的……这会儿周五熬不住了,到处打听有去哪里玩的。哪晓得组里的中国女生也是个闷闷的孩子,周末唯一的休闲就是偶尔跑去DC见男友,苏丹的Atif也属于aucune idee状态。于是Alice同学说他们周六要搬家的时候我就像抓了救命稻草二话没说就要去帮他们,自然是被more than welcome的。至于之后被他们家的空调冻到头胀破天荒从晚上8点睡到周日正午总算熬过一个周末那是后话了。

接下来的7个周末怕是难得闲下来了,目前看来有4个要往外跑,还要另外问Marc请一共5天假。夜火车,夜航班,通宵灰狗,好吧,Solo Travel,又要开始了。