Immigrate WordPress to Google Cloud (Ubuntu 18.04)

At the begining the lowest capacity was chosen for the instance. Just few hours after the immigration finished, I couldn’t load to the site. Neither SSH connection worked.  I tried to review the serial port log, where I could only find soe trace that it might be caused by the PHP. But apart from that, there was no way for me to fix the issue. The first time when I encountered this, I was thinking, OK, maybe I did wrong on some configurations, so let’s redo it… and I got the same result the second time ! 

The third time, I installed BT Panel, which can set up the environment automatically. And still the second day I get notified that the performance of the instance is saturated. 

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站点更新日志 v1.1


首先,增添了访问记录功能,并修改页脚信息(针对Mystique 3)。

1. 注册并登录CNZZ等网站流量统计提供商,获取js代码,如

[cce_js]<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=";web_id=xxxxxxxx&amp;show=pic1"></script>[/cce_js]

2. 外观下点’编辑’,并在模板中选择shortcodes.php文件,有如下代码:

// register our shortcodes
add_shortcode('link',            'atom_shortcode_link');
add_shortcode('column',          'atom_shortcode_column');
add_shortcode('widget',          'atom_shortcode_widget');
add_shortcode('query',           'atom_shortcode_query');
add_shortcode('member',          'atom_shortcode_member');
add_shortcode('visitor',         'atom_shortcode_visitor');
add_shortcode('tinyurl',         'atom_shortcode_tinyurl');
add_shortcode('pagerank',        'atom_shortcode_pagerank');
add_shortcode('subs',            'atom_shortcode_subs');
add_shortcode('credit',          'atom_shortcode_credit');
add_shortcode('copyright',       'atom_shortcode_copyright');
add_shortcode('load',            'atom_shortcode_load');
add_shortcode('field',           'atom_shortcode_field');
add_shortcode('themeauthor',     'atom_shortcode_themeauthor');

在其后添加: 继续阅读站点更新日志 v1.1